10 Hewan Terberat di Dunia

Keanegaragaman hewan dimuka bumi menunjukkan keagungan Tuhan sang pencipta. dibawah ini 10 Hewan Terberat yang saat ini masih hidup di bumi.

1. Gajah Afrika (African Elephant)
Average Mass (lb): 18,500 (8500 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 27,000 (13000 kg)
Average Length (ft): 21.85

2. Gajah Asia ( Asian Elephant )
Average Mass (lb): 8,750 (4200 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 11,000 (5200 kg)
Average Length (ft): 19.5

3. Badak Putih Bercula Dua (White Rhinoceros)
Average Mass (lb): 5,000 (2350 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 7,920 (3850 kg)
Average Length (ft): 12.5

4. Kuda Nil (Hippopotamus)
Average Mass (lb): 5,250 (2500 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 7,100 (3400 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11

5. Gaur
Average Mass (lb): 3,300 (1600 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): Unknown
Average Length (ft): 9.8

6. Jerapah (Giraffe)
Average Mass (lb): 3,000 (1400 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 4,400 (2100 kg)
Average Length (ft): 15.4

7. Walrus
Average Mass (lb): 2,645 (1200 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 4,500 (2150 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11

8. Badak Hitam Bercula Dua ( Black Rhinoceros ) 
Average Mass (lb): 2,420 (1150 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 4,000 (1900 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11.25

9. Buaya ( Saltwater crocodile )
Average Mass (lb): 1,700 (785 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 3,300 (1600 kg)
Average Length (ft): 20

10. Wild Asian Water buffalo
Average Mass (lb): 1,684 (770 kg)
Maximum Mass (lb): 2,640 (1250 kg)
Average Length (ft): 11.4
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